10 Online Side Hustles To Make Money

No matter how you would like to use your money, you need extra income. 33% of side hustlers say they need online side hustles to make money for their daily spending. In addition, 27% say they need a side hustle to finance their high standard of living.  Online side hustles are a great way to … Read more

Why You Need Cloud Hosting

Cloud hosting is one of the drastic changes that will dominate the internet in the future. With the rapid increase in internet consumption, websites and applications are becoming more popular than before. This impact resulted from the coronavirus pandemic lockdowns.   The increase in internet consumption has, in turn, increased the number of websites and applications … Read more

How to Start a Real Estate Business in Kenya

a multi family house in Kenya

You should start a real estate business in Kenya if you are financially able. I’m confident in this particular business because there is promising growth in the future. Can you see how the population is growing day and night? Well, that’s how the demand for housing in Kenya is still growing. However, if you have … Read more