Malimali Business in Kenya: Rose’s Experience

Malimali business in Kenya is a type of business investment in which you can sell a wide range of products, from utensils and other household items and electronics to all sorts of plastics. This business gives you a leeway to dive into the business fraternity with capital starting from Ksh.20k. A Malimali business thrives in … Read more

Is Diaper Business Profitable in Kenya?

You can start a diaper business and try to make money in Kenya. With thousands of newborns daily in Kenya, you are assured of a continued flow of customers, from infant diapers to adult diapers. However, is the diaper business profitable in Kenya? Well, this blog explains whether the diaper business is profitable in Kenya. … Read more

15 Profitable Businesses to Start With 10k in Kenya

As Kenya’s unemployment rate rises daily, most people find it hard to survive in these tough economic times. Indeed, we have millions of unemployed people in the country. Statistics show that the unemployment rate has increased since 2016 from 2.16% to 5.5% in 2022. However, there are businesses to start with 10k in Kenya that … Read more

Cost of Starting a Barber Shop in Kenya

Barbershop signpost

A barbershop/ Kinyozi is among the most profitable businesses you can start in Kenya. With more women joining the shaving club, you have guaranteed clients for your business. However, most of you are asking about the cost of starting a barber shop in Kenya. Well, the cost of a barbershop business in Kenya depends on … Read more

Selling a Business in Kenya: What You Should Know

Over the last few years, businesses in Kenya and worldwide have not been doing so well. The economy has been bad for a while now, and people and businesses are finding it hard to survive. Also, sickness, change in customer behavior, change of career, etc., can make you consider selling a business in Kenya. However, … Read more