Cost of Starting a Barber Shop in Kenya

A barbershop/ Kinyozi is among the most profitable businesses you can start in Kenya. With more women joining the shaving club, you have guaranteed clients for your business. However, most of you are asking about the cost of starting a barber shop in Kenya. Well, the cost of a barbershop business in Kenya depends on the standards you prefer. 

For instance, you can start a barbershop business in Kenya with as little as 20k to as much as 100k. Our main aim is to help people to start small and scale their businesses as they grow. As the saying goes, ‘Never despise humble beginnings’.

This blog gives you the cost of starting a barber shop in Kenya and how to get the best out of your money by choosing the best and most affordable products. 

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What is the Cost of Starting a Barber Shop in Kenya?

cost of starting a barber shop in Kenya

You could be wondering about the cost to open a barbershop business in Kenya. Well, depenidng on your location, you can start a barbershop with as little as Ksh.20k and as much as Ksh. 500k. However, the barbershop startup cost depends on your target customers, as ypu can’t start a barbershop business with ksh.500k targeting the ksh.50 poer shave.

Start a Barbershop Business in Kenya With 20k

The cost of starting a barber shop in Kenya starts from at least 20k. However, this amount only works in Kenyan rural areas and small towns. However, you can make profits with a Kinyozi business in these areas. 

The Cost Breakdown:

  • Shop rent

You need to find a good location with more people, like in shopping centers and near schools. In rural areas, you can get a small shop where you can rent with Ksh.4k -5k a month. 

  • County business permit

Depending on the county you reside in, a Kinyozi business permit can be as low as Ksh.3400 to as much as above Ksh. 10,000. However, this amount differs in the location and size of your barber shop.

  • Shaving equipment

To start small, you can just use simple shaving machines. The good news is you can get them on Jumia with exclusive offers just for you. With Ksh.1090, you can get a full set of shaving machine. Therefore, you can buy at least two of them for a start. So you will spend at least Ksh. 2000 on the shaving machines.

  • Power extensions

You also need to have at least one extension to use when shaving. This will be better than installing two or more power sockets. In addition, extensions are portable, and you can move with them wherever you like. On Jumia, you can get a high-quality power extension with as little as Ksh.400. 

  • Electric heater/kettle

It will be great to offer aftershave services such as washing the client’s head with warm water. Therefore, you need an electric kettle to warm the water. You can get such a kettle with as little as Ksh.649 on Jumia offers.

  • A thermos

Of course, to save on power usage, you need a good thermos to store hot water, which you can use on several clients. You can get a 2ltr unbreakable thermos with at least Ksh.849. 

  • A basin, face towels, and combs

You also need a basin and towels for washing your client’s head and face. These items are available in your nearest Malimali shop with no more than Ksh. 300.

  • A Mirror

Of course, you need at least one long mirror mounted on a wall for customers to assess the progress of the shave. The kinyozi mirrors price in Kenya ranges from Ksh. 1000 to Ksh 1,500.

  • Plastic/wooden chairs

You need at least three plastic chairs and a wooden form to accommodate waiting clients and the clients you serve. 

With the above items, you are set to start a barbershop business in Kenya. You can always start small and upgrade the business as you start gaining reasonable profits.

In addition, you can target to be paying at least Ksh.1000 for power monthly. However, this cost can increase or decrease depending on the usage. 

The cost of starting a barber shop in Kenya can go beyond 20k, depending on the location and the standards of the Kinyozi.

For instance, it can cost more than Ksh.500k to set up a high-standard Kinyozi in Nairobi or other big towns in Kenya. 

Is Kinyozi/Barbershop Business in Kenya Profitable?

shaving machines

Yes. Kinyozi/barber shop is profitable in Kenya. However, some things determine the profitability of your Kinyozi business in Kenya.

Let’s do the maths for a small-scale barber shop in Kenya.

Assuming that the cost of monthly rent is Ksh. 5000, and the barber shop licence cost is Ksh. 4000 per year or Ksh. 340 per month. 

Now, let’s say you get at least 20 clients a day paying Ksh 50 each, You will have sold Ksh.30,000 monthly.

The table below shows the approximate barbershop monthly expenses for a small scale business in rural arears and city metropolitans.

ExpensesCost (Ksh)
Permit( calculated monthly)340
Expenses break down for a barbershop in Kenya


Your profit margin will be 30,000–7,340 = 22,660

These calculations show that a Kinyozi business is very profitable in Kenya. 

Factors Determining the Profitability of a Barbershop in Kenya

As much as a Kinyozi business is profitable in Kenya, we have compiled factors that can contribute to adding or reducing the overall profits of a barbershop in Kenya. 

Breaking even depends on the cost of starting a barber shop in Kenya. Therefore, if you start with as little as Ksh.20k, you can break even faster than starting with a higher amount.

Here are factors that determine the overall profitability of a Kinyozi business in Kenya.

  • The location of the kinyozi business

Any business, not only a barbershop, needs to be in the best location to attract potential clients. A barber shop in Kenya can only thrive in busy areas such as residential areas, near schools, alongside footpaths, and in town centers. 

  • The quality of services

Quality services are everything in any business. The way your clients are satisfied is how your business will grow. Therefore, if you do not have the best barber services skills, you should hire a professional to help you create a strong client base.

Aftershave services can also build your business brand and attract more customers to the business. 

  • Running costs

If you have the skills to offer top-notch shaving services, you can save money by doing it yourself. You can also take short courses to learn how to shave before starting the business. However, if you don’t have the time, you will always have to hire a trusted barber to run your barber shop. 

Other running costs, such as rent, water, and electricity, can also determine the profitability of a barbershop in Kenya.

Conclusion: Cost of Starting a Barber Shop in Kenya

With as little as Ksh.20k, you can start a small-scale barber shop in Kenya. The probability is high if you run the business yourself. 

Furthermore, a Kinyozi is among the most profitable businesses to start with 50k or less, depending on the standards. 

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Cost of Opening a Barber Shop in Kenya: Frequently Asked Questions

  1. How much do kinyozi business make in Kenya?

Depending on the flow of customers, barber shops in Kenya make a profit starting from Ksh.20k going upwards. However, this amount varies from one town to another.

  1. What do I need to open a barber shop in Kenya?

The basic necessities of a barber shop include shaving machines, power, a heater/electric kettle, chairs, mirrors, basins, and towels. 

  1. What makes a successful barbershop?

You can only succeed in a barber shop if you offer high-quality services. Top-notch shaving attracts new customers, and you will earn more profits to expand your business.

4. Is linyozi business profitable in Kenya?

Yes. Kinyozi business is profitable in Kenya, as long as you minimise your expenses such as choosing a location with high traffic and less rent.

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